Saturday, August 15, 2020

A New Project?

 In my efforts to get caught up, I am posting two new blogs today!  I am up to February 2020 now....

We got lots of snow in our area in February - which kept Poppa busy outside shovelling for long periods of time!  Yes - the condo corp. hires a crew to come in and shovel, but some days it just kept on snowing and snowing.  Obviously, the hired crew also had other sites to clear the snow and Poppa worries about the owners who live in the large center building who have to navigate up and down those stairs to come and go.  So.... he tries to keep the stairs and the walkways clear.  This kept him outside and....

... gave me lots of time to knit!  I had some pretty deep peach yarn suitable for baby outfits - so I made this one.
Green is one of my favourite colours - so this outfit came next.
Since the two other outfits definitely looked girlie, I thought I should create something boy-ish and chose some variegated yarn highlighted by a complimentary brown to create this one.

But - what is Poppa doing now???

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, that's a lot of snow and a lot of stairs. I bet Phil is much appreciated by those people who have to go up and down.
    The little outfits are beautiful. I love the leaves around the neck on the green outfit!
