Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Have you guessed?

 Have you guessed what Poppa's new project was?  I'll give you a few details....

He put on a mask (this was pre-COVID) and got out his skill saw - after removing all the old carpet, as you saw in the last post!) and started trimming all the edges and the stair treads.
I was constantly worrying about his fingers.........
.......but, he assured me he would not cut them off because he still needed them to finish this project.
When he was done he vacuumed up all the sawdust and picked up all the little pieces of wood he had sawed off.

Then he did some extra trimming along the edges to make them perfect.
He took a break and went out to pick up some twigs and put the patio furniture back out.  And - apparently had a small visitor from next door looking for a treat!  Her name is Maggie - isn't she cute!
Here is a picture from the top showing all that bare wood.

AND!!!!! Here is a picture from the top showing all the new oak stair treads being put in place!  More later!

1 comment:

  1. I can never guess what he's up to, but... I love this! Wow, that oak is gorgeous! And there's a rail now so I have absolutely nothing to complain about when it comes to those stairs *g* Nice job!
    And yes, Maggie is the cutest. I bet she's sweet company.
