Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chilly Again!

It's chilly again today.  But............they are predicting temperatures back into the 70's again tomorrow.  We went for breakfast this morning and the "kids" had to put long pants and sweaters on!
We haven't done anything too exciting since my last post.  We usually go for a walk each day, but I haven't seen anything interesting enough to take a snapshot.  I did do some surfing (on the web - not the ocean - Hee) and I discovered that this big fellow is a Florida Sandhill Crane.
I did take a picture of these trees to show you though.  When we arrived they had long branches sticking up, with little things that looked like choke cherries on them...and the leaves were all green.  When our freezing spell hit, the leaves all turned brown and fell off.  This was the first year we had seen the trees with leaves and branches, because as soon as the leaves fall off, the gardeners come along with shears and saws and trim them all back, so that they look like this.
Amazingly enough, they grow back up when the weather is amenable, and apparently get lovely little pink flowers - though we haven't seen this, since we are not here in the summertime.  Maybe sometime we will take some time in the summer and wander down to see..... hmmm .... yes, that would be fun!

On Friday evening, we went into Kissimmee to see the classic and collectible cars that gather there on Fridays and Saturdays.  The weather was balmy and perfect for strolling.  They had lots of cars and of course, Poppa liked every one of them.  It was getting dusky and I didn't think the camera would get a very good picture, but I took one just to experiment.....not the best car there, but certainly an interesting one........notice the passenger in the back seat.
Meanwhile, here is Auntie Colleen's first pair of socks from the yarn grab........all finished and ready to go.
And, here is her second pair - just started.  This is Jitterbug yarn by Colinette.  It is 100% merino superwash wool and this colourway is called Sahara.  It is quite wonky and fun to knit up because the patterning doesn't seem to repeat at all, other than a slight striping effect as the background colour lightens and darkens.
Now then, how many photographers can catch a chickadee in flight?  Auntie Colleen caught this one fluttering around her bird feeder, in conversation with another avian regarding who had first dibs on the food that the humans had kindly provided.
Amazing isn't it.........does that chickadee look real to you?  Or did she just hang a lovely ornament there for the photograph?  Awesome, I love it!

Oh yes, I can't forget this adorable picture of our little Munchie (who is growing up waaaaay tooooo fast) trying on Daddee's shirt to see if he will fit into it soon.  Lordee, I love this picture....thanks Mommee.  In this one, notice the little bare toes sticking out the bottom!


  1. I love the Chickadee picture! Wow! I remember those 'short' trees from the last time we were there (so long, long ago, Haha!)

  2. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! It's a sock day! I checked the mail and 2 lovely pair of socks arrived! Wonderful! And I think the ones on this posting are fun and funky and I adore them madly!!! They speak my name. Thank you!
    Thanks for the chickadee love but that photo of Munchie has to be the cutest ever. Adorable.
    I like the crane and those poor trees.
