Squeegie is still holding out to use his money for restaurants....so he has gone golfing in his Dale Jr. outfit...
The pool is temporarily deserted........When Poppa gets back from the driving range, we'll sit outside and read for a while, and then we'll go pooling.
The other day we went for another walk around the neighbourhood (it is one of the things we like to do - in case you didn't notice - Hee!). We often see these guys while we are out strolling, but I seldom have the opportunity to get a picture. That day, they were on our side of the road, and they were incredibly bold - they stayed right there while I snapped.
Munchie went shopping on the weekend for a new pair of shoes. He and Daddee picked out some nice new shoes and Munchie seemed pleased with them. Here they are walking down the mall toward the shoe store. Mummee took this on her cell phone. She was walking and so were they so it's a little blurry - but I think it is such an adorable picture....big man, little man - too cute!
And - here is a shot from Uncle Shaun which demonstrates his skill at photography, the snow in our part of the world, and Uncle Shaun's ability to grab a piece of history which he knows Auntie Colleen will appreciate. I liked her comments so well that I will just quote her. Here is what she said "I think of the pride and work that went into these fine old barns. And to think of the vibrant life and lives they once contained. What an important part they played in the life of a busy farm family. It makes me sad to see them falling into disrepair and neglect. I still see so much grace and dignity in the deteriorating lines. I think of those who erected the huge structures, often with the help of family, friends and neighbours and wonder how those workers would feel to see what the grand structures have become."
Knitting update: Here are Auntie Muffy's two completed pairs of socks to go out in next week's mail. I almost got the second pair finished in time for yesterday's mail-run....but not quite.
Pair #1: These are the ones made from Premier Yarn Serenity Sock Yarn....I think they are very nice...I hope she does too.
Pair #2: These are made from Bernat Sox in a colourway called Wooded Denim. This is a heavier weight than my usual sock yarn - so they should keep Auntie Muffy's feet nice and warm in that cold part of Canada where she lives.
Last night while 24 was on, I got started on Auntie Colleen's first pair (she was the second to get back to me regarding the yarn grab!). They are made from Knit Picks Essential and the colourway is called Tuscany Multi. I love this colourway and the way the dark green is spiralling up the leg.
And now, without further ado, I am off to rescue the laundry!
Oh! I'm mad crazy for my socks! Love them.
ReplyDeleteThat's a precious shot of Munchkin and Dad.