Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sock Draw (Part 4)

A note to let you know that Auntie Muffy has beamed in for the next pair of sillie (tm Gramma) socks.  Taffy has e-mailed off the pictures of the last three pairs so she can pick which ones she likes best.  It seems that sox are not as popular as last year - the response is much slower..... so if you want some there is still lots of time to grab one of those last two pairs!
On a related note..........I have also been taking a few minutes each morning to work on some lace for Auntie Colleen.  This was my first project.
As you can no doubt tell, it has not been blocked or starched yet.  It is a pattern found in First Book of Modern Lace Knitting by Marianne Kinzel.  The pattern is called "Valentine".  See the little hearts near the outer edge?  This little round doilie should be about 7" in diameter when it is properly stretched, blocked and starched.  After trying a couple of other patterns, I decided that this one looked the nicest with this variegated cotton.  I probably should have done it in red cotton, but when I reached into the bag with the crochet cotton inside, this was the first ball I pulled it became the first ball to be used.  I was working on a pink piece of lace at home, but I can't find it, so I guess I forgot to put it into the bag before we left for Florida.  I will post another picture after I finish this off properly.  I have bought the starch, but I am going to leave that project until I have several pieces of lace finished and do them all at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Slow response! Slow response?!? I think I was under an hour. That's pretty darn fast for me these days.
    Okay, there are no words for how beautiful this lace project looks. I noticed the hearts right away. It is stunning!
