I think Poppa's Day started on Thursday when we arrived at Munchkin's house and he came dashing up the hall to greet us! He and Poppa had a good time. The little guy seems to require some chasing these days. Since he became mobile under his own steam

he seems to find all the things that we would rather he didn't touch and then zone in on them. Toys are often forgotten in the zeal to explore his enlarging world. Mama relaxed for a few minutes and watched Poppa run! If you look closely - you can see she is wearing the socks from a previous blog.

On Poppa's real day, after reminding me that I had chipped in to buy his new pressure washer, he said he would like a new shrub to replace the rosebush that didn't manage to get through the winter. So, after a rather lazy day, lolling in the wonderful, warm sunshine, and then after going out for dinner

with the gift card that he got from Mama, Dadad and Munchie, we went shrub shopping. He finally decided on a Rose of Sharon shrub and proudly brought it home and checked it out carefully. An appropriate hole was created, the roots were ruffled up, and the shrub was placed in the perfect spot.

Back to Thursday. After we had been there for a while, the laundry was done, and lunch had been eaten, we noticed that Munchkin was heading back up the hall in the direction he had appeared from. We thought he was going to fetch a toy or something special and didn't pay too much attention. He usually likes to hang out where Mama is, so we were sure he would reappear shortly. Well...those might be Mama's feet at the top of the picture....but that would spoil the story-line...so use your suspension of disbelief.
Back to Poppa's Day. While

I was out supervising the planting of the new shrub, I decided to saunter around the property and see if I saw anything worthy of a photo-shoot. I absolutely love the lupins and decided to try getting a nice shot of them - you know - like Auntie Colleen gets of her beautiful flowers. Well..........it didn't work out as I expected, but I rather liked this shot of the area in our yard that I refer to as Poppa's Park, and the lupins are there too! Then I meandered out to the dec

k at the back and realized that I had not introduced you to the latest addition to my teddy bear collection. (Oops! I missed downloading this pic - it will follow shortly.) This little fellow arrived a couple of weeks ago when Mama, Dadad and Munchie came to visit me. They brought him for my birdthday and he now sits outside the patio doors and smiles at me whenever I glance out that way. Anyway - I digress - eventually the shrub was deemed to be perfectly positioned.
Back to Thursday. After a little while we all started missing Munchie and decided we had better see where he was. Here is what we found! I guess he had gotten worn out with all the extra attention and fun with Poppa and decided to take a nap! Isn't he cute?