was just calling me this morning when Mama turned up with that camera. He lost his concentration and had to start all over again. This caused a bit of a fluff with Mama and he threatened to take her camera away unless she left him in peace for a few minutes so he could call me and have a little chat. He started by telling me that he had to use his cell phone because the land-line wasn't working. He went on to tell me that he wasn't too happy today because he had to go for
another needle. According to reports he was very good and only made a bit of noise - until Mama assured him he would be fine. He weighed in at just a few ounces more than his last visit and measured up at 29 inches tall. It appears that this crawling and walking business burns up calories (along with his vigorous exercises - see last post!), but doesn't stop him from getting taller!

Oh yes! I promised I would let you in on my
birthday presents. Here is a photographic tour. We went out to look for a microwave stand and found the perfect table and chairs for the tiny kitchen that Poppa made in the basement. Squeegie set up Poppa's little coffee-maker on the table and made coffee for himself and Taffy. He thought it was
like a French bistro table. But, we still hadn't found the stand we were looking for. After visiting several stores in our hometown and the larger city nearby, we finally located what we were looking for. So after a long afternoon of reading poorly articulated directions, Poppa finally got it together and put the microwave in it. Quite nice and now I have more space on the counter. Oh wait! The birthday present. See that thing Squeegie is peeking into? It looks just like a large toaster oven - right?
Wrong! It is a counter-top convection oven. What a marvelous invention. It is the perfect size to make a dinner for two. Of course, it can be used as a toaster, but we have a lovely little toaster in the kitchen - hiding in the bottom of the microwave stand with the electric kettle. I actually made a whole meal in there the other night. It was sooo fun and in the summer, will keep the upstairs from heating up so much - the basement stays cool!
Auntie Colleen tells me that the picture from
my last post is a bridal-wreath spirea - in case none of you had guessed that! I hadn't - until she told me and I sheepishly thought - of course....I have a pink one in my flower bed, but it isn't in flower yet....just buds. This morning I got a lovely close-up shot of one of my favourite flowers. It is a beautiful purple iris just after a rainfall. Of course, this one is at Auntie Colleen's house - but I have some here too. Absolutely lovely!

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