Monday, September 5, 2011

Episode Two...The Continuation

Next time I wandered down to the shed, Poppa and Squeegie had made great progress.  The sides were on the trailer...
.........and Squeegie was busy measuring and calculating for the tailgate....
....and Poppa soon had it clamped in place ready for permanent attachement.
It was really hot out there, so I wandered back up to the house to check on Taffy.  She had these three pieces of lace all starched and pressed.....
..........and was still waiting for the other pieces to thoroughly dry.  So we wandered back down to the shed, where Poppa showed us the eye-hooks he had attached to his renovated trailer....
.....and I took this photo of the finished project - of course, he has to paint it, but he hasn't decided what colour and he wants to wait a bit so that the water-proofing can fully cure.  So for's done!
Later in the day - since Taffy was doing such a good job with the lace......I started another knitting project.....
...........what do you think it is?  Anyone have any ideas????


  1. Squeegie and Taffy sure do a lot of work. That lace is tweaking ideas whenever I look at it.
    I bet the trailer never looked as good as it does now. I vote for red!
    I'm trying to guess on the knitting...

  2. I vote green.
    And I think the knitting is a touque.
