Sunday, September 18, 2011

Update Re: Poppa

I haven't been to the hospital yet today.  Now that Poppa is in the hospital proper, I am supposed to abide by the visiting hour rules, which are 3 to 8pm.  So I have spent this morning doing laundry and tidying up and other stuff that needed doing.  As I mentioned, Poppa seemed brighter and more alert yesterday - and he stayed awake and chatted with me all day.  Early in the morning yesterday, he suffered through a bout of vomiting - which wasn't what anyone wanted to be happening, but he was fine while I was there.  Late in the afternoon he started having shaking spells - again not really a welcome phenomenom.  But the nursing staff was keeping a close watch on him.  He seemed to have a slightly elevated temperature, so they gave him extra blankets straight from the warmer to see if that would solve the shaking - it didn't seem to work - but he liked the warm blankets.  I got my camera out, but he didn't really want his picture on here - because he had on a pink blanket - Hee!  So I snapped this shot....
......which is entirely unremarkable, except that early in the morning he had four IV bags hanging on this apparatus - by the time I arrived there were only two, but before I left they added the third one.  He also had.....
......three ports for IV's in his poor jabbed arm.  This enabled them to change or add an IV without jabbing him again.  The poor guy had puncture marks all over both arms and of course his back.  Through all this he never complained - not even about the lumbar puncture - except to confirm that it was a very painful procedure when I asked him about it.

On a lighter note, I have finished the scarf set for Aunt Grumpy.  The final result looks like this.... goal with all of these is that the wearer doesn't meet anyone else with the same regalia on...and I think this one is pretty safe...........I just hope my imagination doesn't run out on me before I get them all finished!  I am working on Aunt Denise's now........and Poppa was quite enthusiastic.......before he moved to his temporary residence at the hospital!  As you might imagine I haven't had time to take any pictures of it yet.  I almost finished a sock for Granny at the hospital on Friday, but yesterday I couldn't knit because of the latex gloves........a bit of a drag!  But with the gloves on I could touch Poppa and help him get untangled from his blankets or give him a drink or assist him in getting to his I didn't mind.

I hear the dryer beeping upstairs - Squeegie and Taffy are in there after having a bath on the off-chance that they have some nasty germs hiding in their fur.  I don't want to leave them in there too long - Squeegie hates it enough already!  Once they are out and dressed for the day, I will head to the hospital and I'll post an update when I get home.

1 comment:

  1. I remember trying to haul around those IV units. They don't travel so well as you'd think on those wheels.
    You know... with Photoshop I can turn that blanket to any colour Phil would like for his photo.
    Owwwww, that arm looks way too full of IV lines.
    The knit set is absolutely gorgeous and yes, unique. Love it.
    Best to warm and refreshed bears.
    Heal fast, Phil!
