Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How is Poppa Now?

Well - here is a picture I took today......
........about 6:30pm.............and here is another picture I took about 20 minutes ago.....
The doctor deemed him fit enough to come home, but he has to continue taking the anti-viral medication via IV, so we are learning to do it here at home....can you see the IV bag hanging there?  It kind of disappears in the light, but you can see it in the shadow.  Poppa says he is feeling pretty good, but he gets tired easily after his ordeal of the last few days ... so I am trying to keep him in his chair, and scoring about 50% in that endeavour.  But, it is nice to have him at home.... I just hope he keeps improving.


  1. Maybe try crazy glue? Tie him in the chair?
    Seriously, it's great to see him home.
    I like the IV holder you've got there *g*. Perfect.

  2. I've tried crazy glue and chair tying too with Jozsef. Neither worked. I too thought the IV stand was rather ideal - probably will get more use than as a coat rack. How are you doing at stabbing Phil with a needle on a regular basis. (Jozsef adds that the track has probably been left in Phil's arm so you just need to attach. There goes half the fun.) Jozsef wants me to say HI to Phil for him and say too that he is glad to see him home.

  3. Happy to see Phil is home. Yes love the IV pole!
